Hujung minggu kira2 minggu yang lalu, ... hanya duduk dirumah...buat kerja2 rumah, menonton tv dan melayani tetamu yang datang. Then adik lelaki ajak tengok movie di panggung wayang. So kami ramai2 ke cinema yang berdekatan. Kami yg dewasa tenguk filem "Avatar", the other 4 girls went to see teenagers movie...apa ntah citernya. .
Nak tau ceritanya tengoklah filemnya. menarik juga ceritanya.
The application and combination of knowledge in science, animation technology, computer, engineering....produce this box-office film. canggih...
So...lama jugalah ceritanya.....tapi teknologi filemnye mengkagumkan. Kira bestlah...
Avatar is a Science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron. Starring by Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weave, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang.
This film is set at sometime in the future in somehere (planet lain kot) quite far from earth. This planet called pandora is toxic to human. So human has to wear special mask to be there. But it has very valuables mineral.
Because of that scientist grow "human bodies" using genetic engineering method by modified human DNA and Pandora native,s DNA...and this is called "avatar". This avatar is mentally linked with the human operators (DNA owner). The mission of the avatar is to improve relation with natives so that human can exploit the valuable mineral.
Jake (avatar) & Neytiriso panjang lah ceritanya mengenai hero kacak Avatar bernama Jake become close with Neytiri the dauhter head of one clan...then fall in love...and so on ----and on....akhirnya membantu menyelamatkan dunia Pandora dari dirosakkan oleh ketamakan segolongan manusia.
Nak tau ceritanya tengoklah filemnya. menarik juga ceritanya.
The best thing is the combination between science and fiction. One of the interesting part is the
connection between all the living things in pandora by neuron system. All the living things included trees(via the root system), animal..all are connected by the neuron (sistem saraf).The application and combination of knowledge in science, animation technology, computer, engineering....produce this box-office film. canggih...
So...lama jugalah ceritanya.....tapi teknologi filemnye mengkagumkan. Kira bestlah...
Berita terkini 27 Jan 2009: Avatar Officially overtakes Titanic For Global Box Office Record with $1.85 Billion