Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gold leaf for tea ceremony

The gold leaf. Hope you can see the gold leaf through the small hole of the gold leaf container.
Ehem...mug with green tea and gold leaf...:)..

A very special souvenir from one of my trip…Kanazawa. It is a specialty of Kanazawa. From a tea-shop at Higashi Chaya District in Kanazawa. It is believed .. by having/drink tea with leaf gold will give us a very good complexion (please correct me if I’m wrong)..just like the complexion of geisha.
So..apa lagi…belilah satu tu…more than RM100.00…harap-harap kulit mulus macam geisha. Tapi... Sayang pula nak buat minum


  1. Mine is smaller and still intact. Until now I do not dare to flush such a precious gem into my tummy yet. I wonder if Geisha really drinks that potion - but I trust the guide did not 'kelentong' us that time.

  2. DrSam, True. I read it somewhere that kanagawa's geisha drinks tea with gold. Agaknya macam susuk emas kot kalau kat sini.

    But...you better keep the gold. Rega emas makin naik nih....RM122.00 segram sekarang..

  3. Salam Zue (:-D

    Agak2 selain geisha, mat & minah "metal" pun kena include in their diet kut - metal,kan?

  4. hehe...metal...tapi emas tu mia's mom...:0
